Friday, November 19, 2010


164.  Progress with potty training. I never thought I'd be so happy to see poop in a potty.
165.  My son's excitement and joy when he accomplishes new things.
166.  Learning a new hobby.  I'm having fun learning to knit and have been working on hats for the baby.
167.  My husband's safe arrival home.
168.  That one of my husband's top priorities this morning was to fix the dryer so I could get caught up on laundry.
169.  A night out with the girls.
170.  Count down for babies arrival.
171.  Being able to listen to my baby's heartbeat for 30 minutes each week during my weekly NST.
172.  A light heart in exchange for one that is often heavy.


Karin said...

Oooh - I knit too! After my miscarriage a year ago, for some reason, I decided I just had to learn to knit. Scarves are my favorite, but I have gone through a baby hat phase. Strangely though, I haven't knit anything for my own baby! I'd better get on that before he or shee comes. :)

I'm glad that those NSTs have been reassuring with all of those lovely galloping baby heart tones.

Christina said...

It's so cool that you're learning to knit! And even cooler that Andrew is using the potty!

MEBSwick said...

Poop in the potty!!!! A sight that is so beautiful now... then when he turns four and continually forgets to flush the potty ----> not so beautiful :)

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