Monday, May 9, 2011

Still counting!

"Love of God is pure when joy and suffering inspire an equal degree of gratitude." Simone Weil
Oh how I hope to learn this.

421.  Baby boy voicing himself in squeals.
422.  God, my hope, my rock.
423.  Husband's patience with me.
424.  An evening walk.
425.  He cares for the sparrow.
426.  A husband that helps fold the laundry.

427.  3 year old playing quietly in his room during naptime
428.  The sometimes therapeutic power of house work.
429.  The simple joy that a juice box and a pack of gummies can bring to a child
430.  Handwritten letters.
431.  A quiet afternoon at home.
432.  A friend loving on my oldest boy while I caught up on housework.
433.  A week of swim lessons for my son...He LOVED it and did great!
434.  Night out with dear friends
435.  Husband toughing it out with crying baby for an evening so I could have a night out.
436.  Being with friend as she got her first placement call as a Foster Parent.
437.  Identifying with other mom friends who have similar struggles in parenting.
438.  Being a mom.
439.  Present picked out by my son.
440.  Framed pictures of the boys from my hubby.
441.  Mother's day lunch at Long Horn...Crab stuffed, Filet. :)
442.  Friends of old who know just what to say.


Christina said...

Yum! Crab stuffed filet. Enjoyed your list, especially the sparrow. If God can watch out for the little sparrow, certainly he can watch over me:)
Great pics!

MEBSwick said...

beautiful - love the last pic, may steal the technique when Bee gets his this year!

still in awe of 436 :)

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