Monday, June 13, 2011

Ongoing Thanks...

As I look through pictures from the week along with a few thanks written down,  I am happy.  Happy that I have been so blessed.  Though I am tired and worn out, God has been good to me.  This counting of gifts is once again an amazing reminder to take my eyes off of overwhelming circumstances that tempt me to lose sight and despair.  And to be honest, I have lost sight often even today.  Thanks to the grace of God that He always draws me back.  Thanks to Him that I truly am blessed and happy in Him.

511.  Water play
512.  Neighborhood wildlife
513.  A significantly decreased energy bill
514.  An efficient a.c.
515.  A dog delighted and happy just to be in my presence
516.  Trains lined all in a row, how my son usually leaves them
517.  God turned my most dreaded task of the day to the most joyful
518.  As far as the east is from the west...
519.  Job 23:10
520.  Playful boys in the fountains
521.  Reading Counterfeit Gods with my accountability group.
522.  Husband home.
523.  A fun family weekend together.
524.  That though I am often overwhelmed, nothing can overwhelm my God.
525.  He carries my burdens.
526.  Little Fire fighters.
527.  New Foods
528.  Pizza at the park
529.  Boys swinging
530.  Happy boys


Christina said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the little guy in the swing:) We have a similar list again:)
God is so good!

Christina said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the little guy in the swing:) We have a similar list again:)
God is so good!

Alleluiabelle said...

Your pictures and thankfullness...made my heart smile today.

Lisa notes... said...

Counting gifts really helps me too. It comes naturally to see the bad stuff, but sometimes I have to work on seeing the graces. I want that to become more natural too. Things like this help.

I especially relate to these two:
524. That though I am often overwhelmed, nothing can overwhelm my God.
525. He carries my burdens.

Reading through your sidebar and then your posts I learned about your sweet Ashlynn. I am sorry you experienced that pain. I lost a daughter too a few years back so I relate to what you said in your posts. I got pregnant again 6 months after my Kali died, and while Jenna has brought us tremendous joy in her own right, one child never replaces another. You love each individually, and thus grieve for each.

So even though you are happy with your new baby boy and it’s been over a year since Ashlynn left, I know your pain is still there and I just wanted to acknowledge that this morning. May God continue to bless your family.

And your pictures are absolutely amazing. You’ve got some skills!

Amy von Oven said...

AMAZING pictures and blessings in your life!

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