Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Answer

"The only Answer is the dangerous, disturbing comforting Presence, which is the true answer to all our questions and hopes."  Michael Card Sacred Sorrow

I feel like I have a lot to say and no energy to say it, so I decided I would at least post a little and chew on the rest, to hopefully get to it later.  Lately I have been doing well, but have been extremely busy getting ready for a show.  To know more about my business you can click on the Facebook badge to the left.

I like this quote and have found it to be true.  True in that I know it is God's Presence that all of my questions are really asking for.  One who knows, understands, never leaves, can carry me and strengthen me. The One who gave His Son, His Life, for me. The only One who can make any sense to the tragedies that affect us all.  Although my questions are almost always for mere solutions and answers, I am almost always given only His Presence instead.  While it can be more than difficult to not be able to have something more tangible here and now, I am also more assured and strengthened having the eternal, unchanging, Love always by my side.

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